Monday, May 31, 2010

The Butterfly

A butterfly goes through several stages of growth: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. The mother butterfly will lay her egg on the type of leaf the caterpillar eats. The caterpillar will form itself into a pupa and the body parts will go through a remarkable transformation or metamorphosis. Finally, when all of the changes have taken place, the butterfly is ready  to emerge. The caterpillar gains strength as it struggles to tear out of the chrysalis. Although this process is long and difficult, the caterpillar knows that without the struggle, it will not have the strength to fly.

At times, our lives may go through a similar process. We go through changes, struggles, and challenges but we must be like the butterfly and decide that we will persevere despite our obstacles. We have the power within us to emerge as victorious beings who are able to succeed at whatever we focus on. Resolve today, to succeed against the odds.

Wishing you an abundance of blessings,